Writing for the IGC

The IGC blog is an online platform for researchers and development practitioners to present and apply their research to the policymaking world.

Guidelines for authors

The International Growth Centre’s blog promotes frontier research on economic growth policies in developing countries. 

In writing for the IGC blog, we encourage our authors to be forthright in presenting new research and proposing new policy ideas.


The IGC blog is read by politicians, academics, policymakers, journalists, opinion formers, development practitioners, students, campaigners, and the general interest reader.

IGC blog articles are distributed via our newsletter and social media platforms to our international network of policymakers, universities, NGOs, and other interest groups and individuals across the world.


  • The pieces are designed to be short (800-1000 words).
  • IGC blog articles should be written in an informed, accessible (non-technical), and forthright style.
  • We encourage contributors, where appropriate, to draw out the tension between policy proposals and the political barriers to implementation. Articles should always lean toward presenting analysis as opposed to a simply descriptive background summary.
  • Articles have more impact if the author clearly spells out the key argument or ‘hook’ at the introduction and conclusion of the piece.
  • The IGC blog’s audience is international so local knowledge should not be assumed. Please use British English spelling, for example –ise/-ising/-isation rather than –ize/-izing/-ization.
  • References, if necessary, should be included as embedded hyperlinks or, if hyperlinks are not possible, as endnotes.


For other IGC publications, we follow the APA citation format.


  • (Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2007)
  • As the leading anticorruption organisation – Transparency International (2013) – put it, asset disclosures “allow civil society to hold leaders to account”.
  • (Khandelwal et al. 2013)


  • Goldberg, P., and Pavcnik, N. (2007). Distributional effects of globalisation in developing countries, Journal of Economic Literature, 45(1), 39-82.
  • Transparency International (2013, 17 January). Holding Politicians to Account: Asset Declarations. https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/holding_politicians_to_account_asset_declarations
  • Khandelwal, A. K., Schott, P. K., and Wei, S. (2013). Trade Liberalisation and Embedded Institutional Reform: Evidence from Chinese Exporters, American Economic Review, 103 (6): 2169-95.