Border posts efficiency analysis scoping exercise
"As a land-linked country, Zambia stands to gain significantly from the reduction of non-tariff barriers generally and specifically from measures to facilitate trade, especially cross-border trade, with African countries. Integrated border management currently enjoys strong focus on the trade facilitation agenda, with a range of modalities for the management of border procedures being adopted. These include one-stop-border posts and single window border management modalities. The outcome of enhanced border management will be a reduction in the costs associated with the clearance and transit of goods at Zambia’s border posts. While Zambia has launched two one-stop border posts (Chirundu and Kasumbalesa); there is scope for further enhancing inter-agency cooperation in an integrated border management strategy. The broad objective of this project is to contribute to the development of a strategy to enhance inter-agency cooperation to promote effective border management and so facilitate cross-border trade. More specifically, the following questions will be addressed:
1.What lessons can be learnt from experiences elsewhere (African and international experience), regarding integrated border management and inter-agency cooperation?
2.What lessons do Zambia’s one-stop border posts (Chirundu and Kasumbalesa) provide, with respect to inter-agency cooperation?
3.What is necessary to facilitate effective inter-agency cooperation in border management (domestic policy, legal and institutional matters)?"