Climate change
The conditions for growth are transforming under the risks of climate change. Our content below focuses on identifying a new development pathway for countries which combines expanded energy use with lower emissions and protecting vulnerable populations.
Our latest blogs, events, and publications
White paper: Innovation, growth, and the environment
Synthesis paper
LSE Environment Week 2023
Past Event
Climate priorities in developing countries
Blog series
Resilient and resurgent Bangladesh: Sustaining economic growth in a changing climate
Past Event
Climate priorities in developing countries
Climate information services to enhance agricultural resilience: Evidence from Ethiopia
Sustainable growth for a changing climate
Growth brief
The impact of climate change on trade in developing countries
Past Webinar
Climate priorities in developing countries
Does climate change cause conflict?
Climate priorities in developing countries
Can growth truly be sustainable?
Climate priorities in developing countries
Lessons for flood risk mitigation in Pakistan
Ideas matter
Ideas matter: Celebrating 50 years of development economics research
Collective action for environmental health: Evidence from sanitation in rural India
Making the Green Revolution greener: Agricultural adaptation and climate change
Rank and peer effects in higher education: Evidence from India
Learning to navigate a new financial technology: Evidence from Bangladesh
Selection and incentive effects of teacher performance contracts in Rwanda
Growth reset: Renewing focus on sustainability in developing countries
Past Event
Sustainable futures: A conversation with Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr and Matthieu Teachout
Past Event