
IGC’s engagement and research in Afghanistan focuses on issues of government accountability and the use of mobile technology to increase transparency and financial inclusion.


IGC’s engagement in Afghanistan began in 2016 with a focus on coordinating high-level policy dialogues with government and supporting research on harnessing the benefits from mobile technologies.

A series of meetings were held with the Office of the President and his advisors, bringing in some of IGC’s top academics to discuss leading priorities for growth. Engagement has also begun with the Kabul Municipality on urban development issues.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD) and the Policy Coordination Unit of the Office of the President, IGC has been supporting research on the impacts of mobile salary payments to government employees. This work is led by Michael Callen, Tarek Ghani, and Joshua Blumenstock.

IGC Policy Economists support the engagement from London.


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