
Launched in February 2013, IGC Liberia provided and applied frontier economic research to the central questions in Liberian policymaking.


The work of IGC Liberia focuses on four themes: strengthening state capabilities, natural resource management, macroeconomic management, and urbanisation. Following initial engagement in 2011 and consultations with Liberian stakeholders in 2012, the IGC officially established its Liberia office in February 2013. We have engaged stakeholders including the President’s Office, the Central Bank of Liberia, the Ministries of Finance, Education, and Commerce and Industry, the University of Liberia, and several others.

Through this dialogue, the IGC team responds to research demands by engaging and commissioning international researchers from some of the world’s top universities to address core concerns of policymakers.

Our researchers produce two broad types of output. One is a relatively short, demand-driven product that brings cutting-edge economics applied by a world expert to issues inside Liberia. The other is a more in-depth project that generates original research to inform policy in Liberia as well as in other countries around the world. With either type of output, we seek to work with Liberian counterparts to ensure that we are asking the right questions and maximise the policy usefulness of the research.

Our goal is to positively impact policy, not just produce reports. This does not change our mission of producing demand-driven economic advice and new research that can inform policy.

We continue to run a Liberia programme but no longer have an office in the country.

Our Liberia Country Strategy Note is available here (updated February 2021).


IGC Sierra Leone and Liberia Programme

Email: [email protected] 
Twitter: @IGC_Liberia

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