Resources (Pakistan)
Surveys and statistics on Pakistan
Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement A national / provincial survey done every few years by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics; includes data on education, health, water supply and sanitation, and household perceptions of living standards. Link to report and tables: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/pakistan-social-and-living-standards-measurement Actual dataset has to be requested
Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) 2011-12 A national / provincial survey done every few years by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Includes data presented by consumption quintiles in conformity with social indicators well as to adjust the inflation effects during successive years. Link to report and tables: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/household-integrated-economic-survey-hies-2011-12 Actual dataset has to be requested
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey A national survey conducted every few years by the National Institute of Population Studies. It includes data on fertility levels, family planning, mortality and immunization rates, maternal and child health as well as indicators relating to HIV/AIDS and malaria. Link to report: http://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR200/FR200.pdf Actual dataset has to be requested
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey A national survey conducted every few years by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. It includes data on fertility levels, family planning and mortality. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/pakistan-demographic-survey-2007 Actual dataset has to be requested
Pakistan Labor Force Survey Annual national survey conducted by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics; includes characteristics of labor force (marital status, literacy education etc), labor force participation rates, employment / unemployment / underemployment statistics, occupational safety and health. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/labour-force-publications Actual dataset has to be requested Pakistan
Economic Census 2005 Conducted once by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics during 2001 to 2003. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/economic-census-2005 Actual dataset has to be requested
Population Census 1998 The last complete population census was conducted in 1998. Link to report and various tables: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/population-tables Actual dataset has to be requested
Punjab Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey Household survey done following the global approach of MICS. Last survey done in 2011. Link to report: http://www.bos.gop.pk/?q=provincialreport Actual dataset has to be requested
Pakistan Millennium Development Goals Report Provides a comprehensive summary on the status of achievement of all MDGs in Pakistan. Last report done in 2013. Link to report: http://www.pk.undp.org/content/pakistan/en/home/library/mdg/pakistan-mdgs-report-2013/
Census of Electricity Establishments Periodic census conducted by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Link to reports: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/energy-and-mining-publications Actual dataset has to be requested
National Accounts of Pakistan Periodic data compiled by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/national-accounts-publications
Pakistan Fiscal Operations Annual fiscal data published by Ministry of Finance. Link to reports: http://www.finance.gov.pk/fiscal_main.html
Pakistan Economic Survey Annual review published by Ministry of Finance, containing various general indicators. Link to latest reports: http://www.finance.gov.pk/survey_1314.html
Various publications by the central bank A complete listing of publications and data issued by the State Bank of Pakistan. Link: http://www.sbp.org.pk/publications/index2.asp
State of Pakistan’s Economy Quarterly report published by the State Bank of Pakistan. Link to report: http://www.sbp.org.pk/reports/quarterly/index.htm
State Bank Annual Report Published annually by the State Bank of Pakistan, has a comprehensive review of performance of various economic indicators in the country. Link to reports: http://www.sbp.org.pk/reports/annual/index.htm
Banking Statistics of Pakistan Issued annually by the State Bank of Pakistan. Link to reports: http://www.sbp.org.pk/publications/anu_stats/index.htm
Handbook of Statistics on Pakistan Economy 2010 Issued once by the State Bank of Pakistan. Link to reports: http://www.sbp.org.pk/departments/stats/PakEconomy_HandBook/index.htm
Quantum Index of Large Scale Manufacturing Industries (QIM) Monthly national production data, compiled by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/qim
Prices indices Compiled by the by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Monthly Price Indices: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/cpi Weekly Sensitive Price Indicator: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/spi
Agriculture Census, Village Census, Livestock Census Periodic censuses conducted by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Link to reports: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/agriculture-census-publications Actual dataset has to be requested
Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan Conducted periodically by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/agri-stat-publications Actual dataset has to be requested
Learning and Educational Achievement in Punjab Schools Survey (LEAPS) project Conducted by researchers from Harvard University, World Bank, Pomona College etc. Various publications available at: http://www.leapsproject.org/site/ Full dataset also available, and requires sign up
Annual Status of Education Reports Compiled by the Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) following the model of ASERs introduced by Pratham in India. It is a survey of the quality of education. Link to reports: http://www.aserpakistan.org/index.php?func=report Dataset available at: http://www.aserpakistan.org/index.php?func=data_statistics
Pakistan Education Statistics 2011-12 A one-time publication with rich data on education, compiled by the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS), run by the Ministry of Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education. Link to report: http://unesco.org.pk/education/documents/2013/pslm/Pakistan_Education_Statistics.pdf
National Education Census 2005 A one-time publication conducted by the now-devolved Ministry of Education in collaboration with Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Gathers data on the level, type and management of institutions, enrolment, teaching staff and their qualifications and training, non-teaching staff, medium of instruction, building and other facilities available and expenditure. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/national-education-census-2005-pakistan
Pakistan Education Atlas A data visualization platform for selected education indicators. Compiled by the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS), Ministry of Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education. Link to tool: http://wfp.org.pk/Atlas/
Punjab Public Schools Portal A collection of input and output indicators for public schools in Punjab, run by the School Education Department of the Punjab Government. Link to data: http://schoolportal.punjab.gov.pk/
Sindh School Education Statistics A one-time publication from 2010-11 with data on education, compiled by the Sindh Bureau of Statistics and School Education Department. Link to report: http://sindhbos.gov.pk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/School-Education-Statistics-Sindh-by-District-2010-11.Complete.pdf
Punjab Development Statistics Annual compendium of various statistics for all sectors compiled by the Bureau of Statistics, Government of Punjab from various sources and Line Departments. Link to reports: http://www.bos.gop.pk/?q=publicationreports Companion piece is the Statistical Pocketbook of Punjab.
Sindh Development Statistics Periodic compendium of various statistics for all sectors compiled by the Bureau of Statistics, Government of Sindh from various sources and Line Departments. Link to reports: http://sindhbos.gov.pk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Develpment-Statistics-2011-with-Graph.pdf Companion piece is the Statistical Pocketbook of Sindh.
Annual & Quarterly Contraceptive Performance Reports Annual national survey conducted by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics to review methods of contraceptive distribution. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/population-welfare-statistics-section
National Health Accounts of Pakistan Developed on the globally accepted methodology. Conducted periodically by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Link to report: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/national-health-accounts-pakistan-2011-12 Actual dataset has to be requested
Data Resource Unit of Lahore University of Management Sciences, Department of Economics A rich depository of datasets which is somewhat dated now. Most of the datasets mentioned above are also available here (not the latest versions), as well as certain others that are not available elsewhere. Most of these data have been collected by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. These datasets include: Balance Sheet Data of Pakistani Listed and Non-Listed Companies (1992 – 2003); Banks Annual Accounts Data (1996 – 2005); National Child Labour Survey (1998); National Nutrition Survey (2002); Pakistan Fertility & Family Planning Survey (1996); Pakistan Reproductive Health & Family Planning Survey (2000); Pakistan Rural Household Survey (2004); Small and Medium Enterprises Survey (2003); Status of Women Reproductive Health and Family Planning Survey (2003); Time Use Survey (2007). Link to databases: http://dru.lums.edu.pk/dslist.php Miscellaneous social and economic statistics, maintained by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Link: http://www.pbs.gov.pk/social-statistics-tables