Resources (Rwanda)
Surveys and statistics on Rwanda
For a complete list, please see our collated IGC Rwanda databank library.
The EICV1 (sample size: 6,540), EICV2 (sample size: 6,900 households) and EICV3 (sample size: 14,308) contain data collected in 2000/2001, 2005 and 2010/2011, respectively. They are publically available here to download from the NISR website. They provide detailed information on livestock keeping, land transaction, agricultural equipment and other assets, land parcels, farming inputs, household production, processing, consumption expenditure on food and non-food items, income, transfers, housing, durables, credit and savings, education, health, migration, employment, amongst other variables.
Establishment Census The Establishment Census contains data collected from 123,256 establishments (organisations, firms, etc, with physical offices) in 2011. It is publically available here to download from the NISR website. It provides detailed information on the location, type, number of branches, number of employees according to nationality, education contract type and gender, nationality of owners, year when operations started, legal and registration status, gender of the owner, reported taxes paid, amongst other variables.
Fourth Population and Housing Census (RPHC4) 2012 The Fourth Population and Housing Census 2012 contains households data collected in August 2012. It is publically available here to download from the NISR website. It provides information on the characteristics of households and housing, and more specifically covers the following aspects: Number, spatial distribution and evolution of the households between 1978 and 2012; private household headship rates by age and sex and background characteristics of households heads, size, type and structure of private households; ownership of livestock and other assets; types of habitat, occupation arrangements and housing tenure; physical characteristics of the main buildings; access to water, sanitation, hygienic facilities and energy.
Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)-1992, 2000 and 2005
The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs) of 1992, 2000, and 2005 contain data from 6252 households, 9696 households and 10272 households, respectively. This includes household characteristics, height and weight of household members, fertility and fertility preferences, family planning practices, anaemia and HIV testing, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, domestic violence, early child mortality, maternal mortality, medical and psychological support, child and maternal health care, hygiene and sanitation, and other variables. An interim DHS was also carried out in 2007-8, provided similar information, but omitted variables such as fertility, maternal and child health or nutrition. The DHS 2010 (sample size: 12,540 households) adds variables not included in previous DHS surveys, including health expenditures, health insurance, men’s survey (weight, number of eligible men, circumcision practices), reproductive calendar, social marketing, tobacco use, and others. All DHSs are publically available here to download from the NISR website.
Pay As You Earn (PAYE) The Pay As You Earn (PAYE) contains data from taxpayers for 2009 and 2010. It is available under the permission of the RRA (which can be requested through the IGC for an IGC study). It provides detailed information on professional tax (TPR) for Large & Medium & Small businesses, the key variables being the type of activity, taxes paid and due taxes.
Corporate Income Tax (CIT) The Corporate Income Tax (CIT) contains data from taxpayers from 2011 to 2013. It is available under the permission of the RRA (which can be requested through the IGC for an IGC study). It provides detailed information on type of main activity, expenses, investment income, gross profit/loss, withholding on imports, tenders, deductions, corporate income tax payable, foreign tax credit, audit adjustment, tax paid, tax due, tax payment regime.
Personal Income Tax (PIT) The Personal Income Tax (PIT) contains data from taxpayers from 2011 to 2013. It is available under the permission of the RRA (which can be requested through the IGC for an IGC study). It provides detailed information on the type of main activity, business income/sales, opening and closing stock, costs of goods sold, expenses, investment income, gross profit/loss, deductions, personal income tax payable, audit adjustment, tax paid, withholding on imports, on public tenders, overpayment, tax due, tax payment regime.
Value Added Tax (VAT) The Value Added Tax (VAT) contains data from taxpayers from 2009 to 2012. It is available under the permission of the RRA (which can be requested through the IGC for an IGC study). It provides detailed information on the type of main activity, exempted sales, zero-rated sales, exports, total non-tradables, taxable sales subject to VAT, VAT on imports, on inputs, on local purchases, VAT due, VAT payment regime.
Trade Survey [2012-2014, MINEAC] The Trade Survey [2012-2014, MINEAC] contains data for the period of 2012-2014. It is publicly available here to download from the MINEAC website. It provides detailed information on annual informal cross-border trade statistics, more specifically on exports, imports, trading partner (country)/indicators, value.
Trade Survey [2009-2013, MINEAC] The Trade Survey [2009-2013, MINEAC] contains data for 2009-2013 It is publicly available here to download from the MINEAC website. It provides detailed information on Rwanda intra EAC quarterly external trade statistics performance in millions of USD, more specifically on exports, imports, trading partner (country)/indicators by quarter (Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4), then the value.
Agricultural Prices The Agricultural Prices contains price data for the period of January 1997-March 2011. It is available under the permission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) (which can be requested through the IGC for an IGC study). It provides detailed information on agricultural prices, the key variables being the name of the market, prices of agricultural produce sold, price of fertilizers.
IGC Coffee Washing Survey The IGC Coffee Washing Survey contains data collected from 865 farmers in 2011. It is available under the permission of the IGC. It provides detailed information on personal characteristics, financial literacy, farm and business activities, amongst other variables.
Rwanda Industrial Survey 2011 The Industrial Survey contains data collected from around 390 firms in 2011. It is publicly available here to download from the NISR website. It provides detailed information on establishments, their ownership structure, labor, assets, production and marketing.
Business Investment Environment Survey The Business Investment Environment Survey contains data for 2009. It is publicly available here to download from the NISR website. It provides detailed information on sector performance, challenges, finance, size (microenterprises, SMEs, large businesses), amongst other variables.
Cost of Living Prices The Cost of Living Prices contains data covering the period of January 2004-June 2011. It is available upon request (through the IGC). It provides detailed information on price of food and non-food items.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) The Cost of Living Prices contains data covering the period of January 2004-June 2011. It is available upon request (through the IGC). It provides detailed information on price of food and non-food items.
World Bank Macro data The World Bank Macro data contains country data basically covering the period of 1960-2013. It is publically available here to download from the World Bank website. It provides detailed information on agriculture, social protection, current account, pollution, external account, doing business/ business environment, infrastructure, military, consumption, capital, value addition, women, health, income poverty, employment, demography.
World Bank Country Survey micro data The World Bank Country Survey contains household-level data collected in 2013. It is available under the permission of the World Bank. It provides detailed information on job creation/employment, social protection, environmental sustainability, poverty reduction, agricultural development, financial markets, trade, education, gender, economic growth, amongst others.
Macro Accounts The Macro Accounts contains data from 2000 to 2011. It is publically available to download from the MINECOFIN website. It provides detailed information on external accounts, and more on local and imported inflation, GDP (production and expenditure approaches), balance of payment, net foreign assets, net domestic assets, broad money liabilities (M3).