Training productivity, and upgrading: Pilot of evaluation of female and supervisor training programs in the Bangladesh apparel sector
We marketed a training program for lower level managers (line supervisors) to large factories in the Bangladeshi ready-made garment industry.
Take-up of the program (even for a free slot) was low, due to intense production pressures, fire-fighting and concerns over retention of trained workers. Take-up is quite insensitive to pricing. There was higher interest and demand in training modules aimed at improving production processes and quality, rather than human resources and social compliance. Since the program was priced close to a commercially viable rate, it might be possible to develop a market provided they could be proved to be effective.
The data sits under “additional materials”. The data is included in Stata .dta and do file format. The do file produces Figure 1 (both left and right panels) in the paper as well as Table 1. Other descriptive statistics reported in the text can be obtained from the same dataset but are not included in the .do file. The data file contains a useful ReadMe.pdf.