Twitter chat: Innovative systems of governance for rapidly growing cities

Past Event Twitter Cities and Cities that Work



Key discussants

  • Enid Slack @imfgtoronto – Director, Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance
  • Martin J. Williams @Mar_tinW – Associate Professor in Public Management, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
  • Didier G. Sagashya @sagashya – Executive Secretary, The City of Kigali
  • Amina Khan @Khan_ODI – Senior Research Officer, ODI
  • Ammar Malik @MalikAmmar – Senior Research Associate, Urban Institute
  • Jake Morgan-Stead @apoliticalco – Head of community outreach, Apolitical
  • Greg Munro @CLGFSG_GMunro - Secretary-General, Commonwealth Local Government Forum
  • Astrid Haas  @IGC_Uganda – Senior Country Economist, IGC Uganda
  • Sally Murray @IGC_Rwanda – Senior Country economist, IGC Rwanda

As governments in many developing countries struggle to keep pace with the demands of rapidly urbanising cities, questions about the governance of cities have magnified in significance. Local and municipal governments are expected to deliver an ever-expanding range of infrastructure and services to enhance both the livability and productivity of cities. In this context, innovation in managing the urbanisation process and in policies to support inclusive growth in cities is crucial.

Can different municipal structures prove more or less effective in managing rapid urban growth? What can national governments do to help facilitate effective urban governance? How can cities improve their accountability to citizens in delivering services and making large scale investments? And how can big data help policymakers address the needs of rapidly growing cities?

To mark World Cities Day, IGC is hosting a Twitter chat on the central role of innovative governance for urbanisation to be a source of global development and social inclusion. Join researchers, policymakers, and urban experts as they debate what are the biggest challenges associated with governance in fast growing cities today.

You can read our Storify here. You can also contribute to the discussion by using #citiesthatwork.