3rd annual conference of the private sector development research network
PSDRN conference 2021 agenda
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PSDRN Conference: Keynote Speech by Makhtar Diop, IFC Managing Director
PSDRN Panel Discussion: Directions for Research on Private Enterprises and the Green Recovery
PSDRN Panel Discussion: Climate Adaptation Post-COP-26: Challenges and Knowledge Gaps
PSDRN Conference - Closing Plenary Discussion
The Private Sector Development (PSD) Research Network invites you to its 2-day annual conference on ‘Private Enterprises in a Green Recovery'.
The discussion during this year's conference centres on issues facing firms in low- and middle-income countries as the focus shifts from immediate survival to long-term sustainability. Hear experts present the latest research on topics related to a green recovery, debate on the role of Development Finance Institutions, and discuss the future research agenda.