6th Urbanization and Poverty Reduction Research Conference
Event Programme
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Event Poster
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On 9th September, IGC Cities and Cities that Work are co-hosting the 6th Urbanization and Poverty Reduction Conference. The conference will bring together academics and development practitioners to present and discuss questions relating to People, Markets and Cities. In particular, the conference will focus on effective land, housing, transport and local labour market policy in cities, and their implications for economic development and social inclusion.
This conference is hosted by the World Bank (Development Research Group), George Washington University (Institute for International Economic Policy) and the Inter-American Development Bank (Housing and Urban Development Division and Department of Research).
The following day, 10th October will see a policymaker and researcher workshop focusing on urban planning and traffic management, under the topic 'Leveraging new data for better urban policies'. Cities that Work are bringing a number of their policy affiliates from City of Cape Town, Greater Amman Municipality, Lagos and Kampala Capital City Authority, which many of whom are currently working on urban data strategies with Cities that Work.
Join the conversation on Twitter using #UrbanizationConf and follow @IGC_CtW for event updates and best bits.
If you want to engage digitally to follow the action live and for the chance to ask a question to the panellists, please tune in here or follow @WorldBankLive.
When: 9:00 ET (14:00 GMT) and 13:00 ET (18:00 GMT)