Conference on structural transformation, growth, and economic development
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You can also listen to the audio event recording here:
You can also listen to the audio event recording here:
STEG’s third annual conference will be held on Thursday 2 February and Friday 3 February 2023, at the London School of Economics. This year’s conference is organised jointly with the International Growth Centre, in recognition of the overlapping communities and interest areas of the two programmes.
The conference will take place in-person, with presentations streamed to a broader external audience. In addition, STEG and the IGC will co-host an add-on workshop on 1 February 2023, jointly organised with the Private Sector Development Research Network (PSDRN), a research community curated by development finance institutions (DFIs).
For both the Conference on Structural Transformation, Growth, and Economic Development and the STEG/IGC/PSDRN workshop, the objective is to add to the body of research and evidence that will inform policy in low-income countries; we consequently seek papers that have clear relevance to this goal.
You can find out more about the conference here.