Growth Week 2014
Growth Week Final Programme
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Growth Week is the International Growth Centre’s annual conference, which brings together our worldwide network of leading researchers and policy-makers. It is an exciting opportunity to meet and discuss key growth issues affecting developing countries. The conference consisted of:
- Country sessions dedicated to each of our partner countries: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India (Bihar and Central), Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
- Research programme sessions focused on the four main research themes of the IGC: State, Firms, Cities, and Energy.
- Framework sessions which were intended to set out the agenda for research and the opportunities for impact across a range of cross-cutting topics relevant to many countries: Elite Capture and Political Economy, Cities, Transforming the Public Sector, Management Capacity and Productivity, Taxation and Development, and The Gains from Trade.
There were also four public lectures taking place from 6.30-8pm on the four evenings;
- On Monday 22 September, Jitan Ram Manjhi, Chief Minister of Bihar, delivered a lecture on 'The Bihar Story: Resurrection of the State, Inclusion and Growth'. The session was chaired by Lord Karan Bilimoria and the discussants were Professor Robin Burgess, Dr Shaibal Gupta and Dr Ruth Kattumuri.
- On Tuesday 23 September, Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank, delivered a lecture on ‘Financing Africa's future: infrastructure, investment and opportunity’, with Professor Sir Paul Collier, Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University and Co-Director of the Centre for the Study of African Economies also at Oxford University, acting as a discussant.
- On Wednesday 24 September, Professor Michael Greenstone, Milton Friedman Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago and Director of the Energy Policy Institute at Chicago (EPIC), delivered a lecture entitled ‘Energy and Growth: Facts and Consequences’.
- On Thursday 25 September, Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, former Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of the Republic of India, spoke on ‘Growth, Policy and Institutions: lessons from the Indian experience’. This session was chaired by Professor Francesco Caselli (Norman Sosnow Professor of Economics, LSE), with Lord Nicholas Stern (IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government, LSE; Chair, Asia Research Centre; Chair, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy; Director, India Observatory) acting as a discussant.
We tweeted live on the hashtag: #GrowthWeek