IGC-ISI Summer School in Development Economics 11th – 14th July 2021
The International Growth Centre, directed by the London School of Economics (LSE) and University of Oxford, along with the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), New Delhi is organising the 7 th IGC-ISI Summer School in Development Economics from 11th – 14 th July 2021. The workshop will be held virtually and is intended for advanced PhD students, students with recent PhDs, university faculty with recent PhDs, Post-docs and officials engaged in research from government ministries. The workshop will consist of lectures across a range of subjects, looking at current frontier research, with an emphasis on quantitative methods relevant to contemporary policy issues in India. Participants will have an opportunity to e-meetlecturers in allocated office hours to discuss their research.
Structure: The sessions cover technical and policy-relevant topics. These include introduction to microeconometric methods for research using household and firm data; the latest research in intra households’ allocations, issues in development, and gender economics.
Note to applicants: Applications should include a current CV, a sample of research work and a mark sheet or transcript from their Masters/MPhil/PhD programme. All applicants should also complete the application form (Link: https://bit.ly/3s67UsB ) for the IGC Summer School. If you have any further
questions, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘IGC-ISI Summer School 2021’.
Applications must be submitted by 15th May 2021 and acceptance decisions will be made by 15th June