IGC-ISI Summer School in Development Economics 2019
Summer School 2019 Note
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The International Growth Centre, directed by the London School of Economics (LSE) and University of Oxford, along with the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), New Delhi is organising the 5th IGC-ISI Summer School in Development Economics 5-9 July 2019. The workshop is held at the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi. The workshop is intended for advanced PhD students, students with recent PhDs, university faculty with recent PhDs, and officials engaged in research from government ministries. The workshop consists of lectures on current research frontiers of the respective subjects, with an emphasis on quantitative methods relevant to contemporary policy issues in India. Participants will have an opportunity to meet lecturers in allocated office hours to discuss their research with lecturers.
Structure: The sessions cover technical and policy-relevant topics. These include introduction to causal inference; micro-econometric methods for research using household and firm data including randomised controlled trials; and the latest research in environmental economics, management and development, and gender economics.
Aprajit Mahajan, University of California Berkeley
Lakshmi Iyer, University of Notre Dame
Namrata Kala, MIT Sloan School of Management
Gaurav Chiplunkar, University of Virginia
Notes for applicants: Applications should include a current CV and a sample of research work. All students need to submit a mark sheet or transcript from their Masters/MPhil/PhD programme along with a CV and sample research work.
All applications should be submitted to [email protected] with the subject line ‘IGC-ISI Summer School 2019’ by 10 June 2019.