IGC research funding information sessions

Past Event Inclusive Growth

In preparation for the next IGC call for proposals, we are hosting a webinar series in August to provide information to potential applicants about the type of research projects IGC is looking for. The call for proposals is scheduled for Autumn 2021. Grants will be capped at £20,000, and the call will focus primarily on early career researchers. More information on the call, dates, selection criteria, and application process will be shared soon.

Q&A session with Professor Oriana Bandiera, Chair of the IGC State Effectiveness Commissioning Board

Date: Wednesday,4th August 2021

You can also listen to the audio event recording here:

IGC Admin · IGC research programme webinar: Q&A session with Prof. Oriana Bandiera


Researchers ask questions to an IGC Commissioning Board Chair on the type of research IGC funds and supports and what makes a good research proposal.

Q&A session with Professor Christopher Woodruff, Research Programme Director for the IGC’s Firms Research Programme

Date: Wednesday, 18th August 2021

You can also listen to the audio event recording here:

IGC Admin · IGC research programme: Q&A session with Professor Christopher Woodruff


Researchers are given the opportunity to ask questions to Professor Christopher Woodruff on tips for improving funding applications and how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes.

Q&A session with IGC staff on policy engagement and co-generation

Date: Thursday,19th August 2021

You can also listen to the audio event recording here:

IGC Admin · Q&A session with IGC staff on policy engagement and co-generation


Policy impact is at the core of the IGC model and is an important criterion for funding projects. Each researcher is given the opportunity to ask IGC staff about the IGC model of policy engagement and co-generation during this session.

Writing a research proposal

Date: Thursday, 2nd September, 2021

You can also listen to the audio recording of the event here:

IGC Admin · Writing a research proposal


Matthieu Teachout, IGC Research Director, and Shahid Vaziralli, IGC Head of Research Programme, go over recommendations for writing a research proposal for the next IGC call for proposals. See schedule below:

Session 1: Presentation by IGC staff on tips to fill out a research proposal form

Session 2: Q&A with the participants