Infrastructure for Development Conference
Call for papers
PDF document • 174.28 KB
Preliminary programme
PDF document • 334.96 KB
Infrastructure, Recovery & Growth: Building out from the Pandemic
The third Infrastructure for Development Conference (#Infra4Dev)
Watch recordings from the conference on YouTube.
Learn more with the #Infra4Dev blog series:
- How much do we know about the development impacts of large-scale integrated transport infrastructure?
- How much do we know about the development impacts of energy infrastructure?
- Can internet access lead to improved economic outcomes?
The Infrastructure for Development Conference series (#Infra4Dev) is an initiative of the World Bank’s Infrastructure Vice-Presidency, aiming to promote dialogue and exchange between leading edge economic researchers and the wider community of policymakers and practitioners on leveraging infrastructure for development.
The World Bank and the IGC are partnering for the third annual #Infra4Dev Conference, to be held online on the mornings (ET) of 3-4 March 2022. Policymakers around the world are currently grappling with the immediate economic recovery from the global pandemic, while at the same time trying to steer the global economy on to a more sustainable long-term development path. Accordingly, the theme for this year’s conference is understanding how various forms of infrastructure contribute to improving economic performance. Specifically, we will explore how a variety of infrastructural developments – such as digital infrastructure, transport networks, and energy systems – are linked to economic growth and wider development impacts.
The latest updates on the conference are available on the World Bank’s webpage.