South Sudanese Young Leaders Forum
Event report
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SSYLF Final Resolutions
PDF document • 2.26 MB
The South Sudanese Young Leaders Forum (SSYLF) held its first conference on 9th-10th January 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya.
The conference was supported by the International Growth Center (IGC), the United States Agency for International Development (USA/ID) and the World Bank; it brought together about 50 young leaders who reflected the diversity of the country and representing South Sudanese youth from across South Sudan, and across the diaspora in Uganda, Ethiopia, Egypt, Kenya, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States of America deliberated on the challenges that face the Republic of South Sudan.
Gravely concerned about the current security, political, economic, and humanitarian situation in South Sudan, the SSYLF identified five areas of immediate action to enable a return to peace and stability in the nascent Republic.
As the meeting coincided with the 12th Anniversary of the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005 and the 6th Anniversary of the 2011 Referendum that paved the way for the independence of South Sudan, it allowed the participants to share their own stories and reflect on the journey that South Sudan took since the end of the North-South war and the hopes and aspirations that the South Sudanese had and continue to have for their country.
The event report and the South Sudanese Leaders Forum final resolutions can be found below.