STICERD-UCL development and growth seminar: Footballs in Pakistan
Date: 23 February 2015
Time: 4pm to 5.30pm
Location: 1st Floor Conference Room, LSE, 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PH
Speaker: Eric Verhoogen
On Monday 23 February 2015 STICERD and University College London held a seminar with Eric Verhoogen, presenting the research from this IGC project.
This project was the subject of the IGC film. This research showed how economists could help policymakers understand the obstacles to the adoption of new technologies. IGC-funded researchers found a new way for Pakistan’s football factories to cut the footballs’ pentagon panels from sheets of an artificial leather, rexine – the most costly input into football production.
The researchers gave the new technology out to football companies randomly and watched how they reacted. This allowed the researchers to see what issues prevent firms adopting new technologies that could improve their businesses.
If you have any questions about this seminar please get in touch with STICERD