Why is women’s empowerment key to fighting climate change?
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IGC Admin · Why is women’s empowerment key to fighting climate change?
Evidence shows that women’s empowerment and advancing gender equality can lead to more environmentally friendly decision-making at household and national levels as countries with high representation of women in parliament are more likely to ratify international environment treaties (Norgaard & York, 2005).
Investing in women and girls creates ripple effects felt throughout communities and countries. In developing countries, women comprise approximately 43 percent of the agricultural labour force. When provided with the same access to resources as men, women can increase their agricultural yields by 20 to 30 percent, which would increase the total agricultural output in these countries and would reduce world hunger by 12 to 17 percent (UN, 2020). As early adopters of new agricultural techniques, first responders in crises, green energy entrepreneurs, and decision-makers at home, women can offer valuable insights into better managing and adapting to climate change-related risks.
This event discusses solutions to address women’s and girls' vulnerabilities to climate change and explores policy measures to empower them to lead sustainable development efforts as agents of change.