Social protection
Social protection programmes, such as schemes to reduce poverty, increase employment opportunities, and provide affordable healthcare and insurance to low-income families, are crucial to increased welfare and inclusive growth. Our work on social protection looks at the need, design and impact of various schemes.

Take Home Rations (THR) and cash transfers for maternal and child nutrition in India: A synthesis of evidence and recommendations for policy
Policy brief

Protecting the unprotected: How can social protection reduce the vulnerability of informal workers?

The local politics of social protection: Programmatic versus non-programmatic distributive politics in Kenya’s cash transfer programmes
Policy brief

No lean season: Migration to escape seasonal famine
Case study

Social protection and job displacement in developing countries
Policy brief

Growth brief: Transforming the economic lives of the ultra-poor
Growth brief

Lessons learned from a scale-up of a seasonal migration RCT in Bangladesh
Policy brief

Can the microcredit model be improved?

Rural-to-urban migration: Improving labour market prospects

Basic entrepreneurship: A big new idea in development

Adapting to climate change through temporary migration in Bangladesh

Apples, oranges and other fruit: Different forms of poverty

Scaling up social protection: Price & productivity effects on growth

Should graduation programmes replace the more conventional cash transfers?

Do cash transfers make the poor work less?

The political paradox of cash transfers

The tale and maths of universal basic income

Is India ready for a universal basic income scheme?