Hannington Ashaba

  • Commissioner,Department of Projects Analysis and Public Investment
  • Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda



Mr. Hannington Ashaba is currently a Commissioner at the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development heading the Department of Projects Analysis and Public Investment. His core mandate is to undertake overall policy formulation, coordination, appraisal, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of development projects to ensure sustainable economic growth and development. 

Hannington has close to 23 years’ experience in Public Sector. He has previously served in the following capacities:

  • Economist – Parliamentary Budget Office.
  • Economic Advisor, Risk Analysis and Management – Uganda Development Bank Limited.
  • Principal Economist and later Assistant Commissioner- Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
  • Lecturer of Development Economics – Kyambogo University.

Hannington holds the following qualifications: 

  • Currently a Doctoral candidate in Public Policy and Governance.
  • A Master’s of Science in Development and Natural Resource Economics, from Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 
  • A Masters of Business Administration from Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI)
  • A Bachelors of Economics and Rural Economy from Makerere, University,

Mr. Ashaba has also researched and published in the areas of Budget Reforms and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa as follows:

  • The Changing Role of Parliaments in the Budget Process: Case Study of the Ugandan Parliament, 
  • Perspectives on Uganda’s Debt Sustainability after Debt Relief Initiatives, 
  • Transaction Costs and Land Market Participation in Uganda, and 
  • Budgeting for Gender Equity in Uganda, among others.