Ibrahim Kasirye joined the Centre as Young Professional in 2002 and re-joined the Centre as Research Fellow in 2010 and has risen through the ranks to become Principal Research Fellow effective November 2013. Ibrahim was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Development Economics at the University of Manchester-UK in 2011 and has extensive experience in micro analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and national household surveys. He has researched and published in the areas of gender, health, education, food security and socioeconomic aspects of HIV/AIDS. Some of his past research has been presented at the annual Centre for Study of African Economics (CSAE) conference at the University of Oxford ad UN-WIDER Institute of Development Economic Research (UN-WIDER) in Helsinki, Finland. Dr. Kasirye is also a recipient of a number of grants from the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC); and the Centre for Environment Economics and Policy in Africa CEEPA).