Keith Jefferis Managing Director Econsult Botswana Roles Researchers Email [email protected] Keith is Managing Director of Econsult Botswana, a consultancy firm working on a wide range of economic and related issues in Botswana and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa. Projects Macroeconomic policy reform options for Sudan Keith Jefferis 31 Mar 2020 Project Exploring interest rate spreads and bank profitability in Uganda Keith Jefferis 31 Dec 2018 Project Exchange rate options for South Sudan Keith Jefferis 31 Oct 2015 Project All contributions Macroeconomic policy reform options for Sudan (Arabic) Keith Jefferis Policy brief Macroeconomic policy reform options for Sudan Keith Jefferis Policy brief Exploring the determinants of interest rate spreads in the Uganda banking system Keith Jefferis, Elizabeth Kasekende, Doreen Rubatsimbira, Nicole Ntungire Project report The determinants of interest rate spreads in the Uganda banking system: Results from a new analysis of banking system data Keith Jefferis, Elizabeth Kasekende, Nicole Ntungire, Doreen Rubatsimbira Policy brief Moving from a fixed to a floating exchange rate: The case of the South Sudanese Pound Keith Jefferis, Astrid Haas Blog Exchange rate reform in South Sudan Keith Jefferis Policy brief Macroeconomic Management in a Mineral-Rich Economy (Policy Brief) Keith Jefferis Policy brief Video: Africa Growth Forum 2013 - Dr Keith Jefferis Keith Jefferis Video Share Share