Ronald Abraham

  • Country Director for India
  • IDinsight



Ronald Abraham is IDinsight’s Country Director for India, managing the organization’s engagements and future growth in the country. Ronald has significant experience in education policy research and programme management. Previously, he worked with Pratham and managed a statewide learning excellence program in collaboration with the Government of Punjab, covering 13,000 schools. He was also an integral part of Pratham’s national team that facilitates the Annual Status of Education Report. Prior to working at Pratham, Ronald was at the Centre for Policy Alternatives in New Delhi, where his research topics included India’s poverty line and centre-state public finance.    Ronald holds a B.A. (Hons.) in Economics from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University, and an M.P.A. in International Development (MPA/ID) from Harvard Kennedy School (HKS). Ronald received the Joint Japan / World Bank Graduate Scholarship to attend HKS.