Thierry Hoza Ngoga
For over 15 years, Thierry Hoza Ngoga has provided strategic and operational solutions in land management, land tenure and land administration issues for government and development partners across Sub-Saharan Africa. His stand-out specialty is in design of low-cost land tenure and land administration systems, a key component in the widely-acclaimed Rwanda land tenure regularization reform programme, in which he worked in various capacities, including Head of Land Technical Operations. The Rwanda programme resulted in successful titling and adjudication activities for over 11 million parcels and was the subject of his recent publication Rwanda’s Land Tenure Reform: Non-existent to Best Practice.
He has a vast experience working on policy, strategic institutional capacity development, Urban development, Land administration and Land tenure.
He is currently the Head of State Capability at the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) where he works across 14 African countries, providing thought leadership in building strategic and institutional delivery mechanisms as well as supporting countries develop flagship programmes to rationalise the use of countries limited resources whilst ensuring delivery of countries agricultural investment priorities.
Thierry is also a Policy Affiliate with the IGC Cities that Work Programme.