Beatrice Kalinda Mkenda

  • Faculty Member
  • University of Dar es Salaam



Beatrice Mkenda is a member of the faculty in the Department of Economics at the University of Dar es Salaam. She has a PhD in economics from Göteborg University, a Masters and MPhil from University of Sussex, and a Bachelor of Arts (Econ) from the University of Zambia. She served as a Deputy Director of the Globalization project for two years from December 2001 to November 2003. Before that she worked as a Lecturer and Staff Development Fellow in economics at the University of Zambia. She also worked as a short-term consultant with the World Bank, during which she co-authored a paper with Maria Floro, on "Zambia in the 1980s: A Review of National and Urban Level Economic Reforms". The document can be downloaded here. Her research interests are trade and open economy macro-economic issues. She has, since completion of her PhD, worked with Prof. Arne Bigsten on two Sida reports: "Impacts of Trade Liberalisation in Zambia", and "Kenya and the East African Community".