Prabhat P. Ghosh

  • Professor of Economics
  • Asian Development Research Institute



Professor Ghosh has been doing has been doing research in economics for last 30 years, specializing in the field of regional planning, rural development, evaluation of economic projects and large scale statistical surveys. Important works include, ‘A Regional Planning Model for Bihar’ (1976), ‘Agro-economic Survey of Bihar’ (1978), ‘Pattern of Sectoral Development in a Periphery : Case of Bihar (1978), Temporary Migration of Rural Labour and Employment in Bihar’ (1993), and ‘Literacy and Development : The Case of Dumka’ (1997). Before joining the Asian Development Research Institute, Patna in 1995, Professor Ghosh had been a faculty member at the A N S Institute of Social Studies, Patna (1967-80, 1983-94) and National Labour Institute (1980-83).