Management practices in retail, education, and healthcare sectors in India Are poor management practices holding back middle-income countries? (Policy Brief) Policy brief 1 Nov 2012 Authors Nick Bloom Professor of Economics, Stanford University Renata Lemos Economist, World Bank Daniela Scur Project Leader - Productivity and Innovation, Centre for Economic Performance Bloom-Et-Al-2012-Policy-Brief.pdf Download PDF document • 335.72 KB Share Share More from Management practices in retail, education, and healthcare sectors in India Could poor management be holding back development? (Working Paper) Nick Bloom, Renata Lemos, Daniela Scur Working paper More from IGC Green finance in Uganda: Unlocking sustainable growth Maria Orjuela Pava Publication Measuring and estimating retail productivity Brenda Samaniego de la Parra, Ajay Shenoy Working paper Agriculture and climate resilience Mary Teddy Nakyejwe, Russell Morton Publication Urbanisation, transport and the environment: Some considerations for a more productive Kampala Juliana Oliveira-Cunha, Jeanne Sorin Publication