The Introduction of Chinese Bullet Trains and the Integration of Local Real Estate Markets China’s Bullet Trains Mitigate the Cost of Mega City Growth (Policy Brief) Policy brief 1 Feb 2013 Cities Authors Siqi Zheng Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Matthew Kahn Provost Professor of Economics, University of Southern California Zheng-Khan-2013-Policy-Brief.pdf Download PDF document • 311.56 KB Share Share More from The Introduction of Chinese Bullet Trains and the Integration of Local Real Estate Markets The Introduction of Chinese Bullet Trains and the Integration of Local Real Estate Markets Siqi Zheng, Matthew Kahn Working paper More from IGC Urbanisation, transport and the environment: Some considerations for a more productive Kampala (Policy note) Juliana Oliveira-Cunha, Jeanne Sorin Miscellaneous Ideas matter How can Uganda harness urbanisation and rural development for economic growth? Hoziane Amen Blog The role and potential of urban agriculture: Exploratory research Jemal Ahmed , Dawit Woubishet Mulatu , Etsehiwot Semereab Policy brief How can improvements in public transport in Peru boost access to education? Fabiola Alba-Vivar Blog Themes Cities