Effective monitoring to improve the quality of teaching and learning in Freetown

Policy brief State Effectiveness and State

  • Effective monitoring of schools is essential to ensure schools are safe environments for children and are delivering a minimum standard of education.
  • Freetown City Council (FCC) has no school monitoring system in place; schools are not routinely supervised which is resulting in a lack of necessary oversight and accountability.
  • The aim of this project is to collect data on schools’ current adherence to a set of agreed minimum standards and current supervision experiences. The information collected will inform FCC and other stakeholders about the current conditions of its schools and support them taking appropriate and informed policy decisions.
  •  Findings corroborate that many schools do not meet many of the minimum standards and expectations, such as access to clean water, clean latrines, safeguarding training and protocols, respectful disciplining techniques, teachers in every classroom, use of textbooks and basic teaching techniques and availability of proper seats in classrooms for every student.
  • On the other side, schools keep good records of student and staff attendance in their logbooks and also hold regular meetings with key stakeholders.
  • These results show that the development and implementation of a sound and effective monitoring framework in schools could drastically improve the quality of teaching and learning in Freetown schools.