Silver and Ijala Policy Brief October 2024.pdf
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- Cassava is increasingly in demand for high-quality cassava flour (HQCF) used by breweries, bakeries, and other industries. However, the crop must be dried immediately after harvesting to prevent cyanogenesis and other toxins that make it unsuitable for high-value markets.
- We partnered with a large agro-processing firm in Soroti, Uganda, to pilot the introduction of processing technology, including cassava chippers and solar dryers, to randomly selected farmer groups.
- Machine-dried cassava was noticeably whiter, drier, and odourless, attracting a price premium from local market standards. Farmers expressed a near-universal interest in using these machines in future.
- Addressing the barriers to the adoption of cassava drying technology, improving quality standards, and supporting market linkages may enable farmers to achieve significant economic benefits.