Health costs of energy related air pollution in South Africa The health benefits of attaining and strengthening air quality standards in Cape Town Working paper 28 Jul 2017 Energy Authors Katye Altieri Senior researcher, University of Cape Town Samantha Keen Researcher, University of Cape Town Altieri-Keen-2016-Working-Paper.pdf Download PDF document • 924.22 KB Share Share More from Health costs of energy related air pollution in South Africa The cost of air pollution in South Africa Katye Altieri, Samantha Keen Blog More from IGC Escaping the fragility trap Transforming livelihoods through scaling up the productive use of energy Sarah Logan Blog Data and technology: Challenges and opportunities for solar mini grids in fragile contexts Amna Mahmood Policy toolkit Demand-side factors: Tools to measure, incentivise and sustain demand for solar mini grids in fragile contexts Sanjana Srivastav Policy toolkit Driving productive use of energy in fragile contexts Sarah Logan Policy toolkit Themes Energy