Counteracting illicit behaviour during elections: The role of observers and cell phones in a field experiment Counteracting illicit behaviour during elections: The role of observers and cell phones in a field experiment Is Information Power? (Policy Brief) Policy brief 1 Mar 2011 Authors Jenny Aker Assistant Professor of Economics, Tufts University Paul Collier Director, IGC and Professor of Economics and Public Policy, University of Oxford Pedro Vicente Professor of Economics, Nova School of Business and Economics Aker-Et-Al-2011-Policy-Brief.pdf Download PDF document • 313.24 KB Share Share More from Counteracting illicit behaviour during elections: The role of observers and cell phones in a field experiment Is Information Power? Using Mobile Phones and Free Newspapers during an Election in Mozambique (Working Paper) Jenny Aker, Paul Collier, Pedro Vicente Working paper More from Counteracting illicit behaviour during elections: The role of observers and cell phones in a field experiment Is Information Power? Using Mobile Phones and Free Newspapers during an Election in Mozambique (Working Paper) Jenny Aker, Paul Collier, Pedro Vicente Working paper More from IGC Gestão de conflitos e integração social em Moçambique Case study Strengthening institutions in conflict-affected and post-conflict states (Learning brief) Hélène Donnat, Sanjana Srivastav Miscellaneous Transformational Change: Conflict Management and Social Integration in Mozambique Case study Transformational Change: Uganda Economic Growth Forum Case study Countries Mozambique