A path to economic resilience: Insights from the PRI-CDRM paper "Bangladesh's domestic resource mobilisation - imperatives and a roadmap"
This policy brief highlights a strategic roadmap to boost domestic revenue mobilisation in Bangladesh.
Ishita and Mostafa Policy brief May 2024.pdf
PDF document • 261.92 KB
- Bangladesh currently has one of the lowest ratios of government revenues to GDP in the world.
- It is imperative that Bangladesh takes steps to increase revenues significantly to ensure fiscal stability, fund much-needed investment that supports economic growth, and increase the provision of public education, healthcare, and social protection.
- The PRI Study Centre on Domestic Resource Mobilisation has recently published a paper titled “Bangladesh’s Domestic Resource Mobilisation: Imperatives and A Roadmap”. Based on that study, this policy brief highlights a strategic roadmap that the government might follow to increase revenues.