Priorities for mineral-led industrialisation in Rwanda
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- Rwandan officials outside the mining sector need to become more actively involved with the new Mining Policy for its effective implementation.
- Minerals based industrialisation may not necessarily follow the pathways defined so far by the African Mining Vision (AMV, 2009) but still achieve its wider goals.
- A full diagnosis of the artisanal and small mines sub-sector must precede interventions to influence its structure and operations.
- Rwanda needs to remain steadfast to its vision of the industrialisation of the mining sector, free of donor influence.
- A regional framework must be an essential part of that Vision.
- A politically emotive argument has been prevalent in African discourse that each country should be self- sufficient: African countries need to break from this tradition in order to exploit the opportunities available in the sub-region.
- A greater competitive edge may be possible through a regionally collaborative approach: This can support minerals-based industrialisation that is not limited by domestic mineral sources.
- Rwanda needs to focus on promoting the enabling environment for minerals driven industrialisation, beyond the country’s major minerals.