Supply chain disruptions and sourcing strategies

Policy brief Firms and Trade

This policy brief reviews existing literature on supply chain disruptions and examines buyers' sourcing strategies, using the garment sector as a testing board.

  • Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have seen their supply chains disrupted and tested more than ever before.
  • Recent literature has found that long-term sourcing relationships might help mitigate the impact of supply chain disruptions. 
  • Using the garment industry as a testing board, this study presents empirical proxies for two distinct dimensions of a buyer's sourcing strategy – namely, the extent to which buyers follow a spot versus a relational approach to sourcing and the extent to which buyers follow just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems. 
  • Results show that: a) the variation in both measures is mostly explained by across-buyer variation rather than product or country variation, b) the two measures are highly correlated with each other, and c) certain buyers' characteristics correlate with the type of sourcing system.