Take Home Rations (THR) and cash transfers for maternal and child nutrition in India: A synthesis of evidence and recommendations for policy
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- In India, 38.4 percent of children under the age of five are stunted, i.e., have impaired growth and development, rising to 41.2 percent in rural areas.
- India ranks 134th out of 151 countries that measure stunting – lower than Bangladesh, Nepal, and most Sub-Saharan African countries.
- To address challenges with child and maternal health, the Government of India has a long history of interventions focused on maternal and child health.
- One major government programme focuses on providing women and children food rations, while another administers cash transfers to pregnant and lactating mothers.
- This brief, summarising an IGC-commissioned synthesis of existing evidence, analyses both the ‘Take Home Rations (THR)’ and cash transfer approaches and provides a set of recommended policy actions.