Understanding fiscal capacity in developing economies: Firms as third-party tax enforcers Why Can Modern Governments Tax So Much? (Policy Brief) Policy brief 1 Mar 2012 Authors Henrik Kleven Professor of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Claus Thustrup Kreiner Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen Emmanuel Saez Professor of Economics, University of California - Berkeley Kleven-Et-Al-2012-Policy-Brief.pdf Download PDF document • 310.55 KB Share Share More from Understanding fiscal capacity in developing economies: Firms as third-party tax enforcers Why can modern governments tax efficiently? (Working Paper) Henrik Kleven, Claus Thustrup Kreiner, Emmanuel Saez Working paper More from IGC Can Bangladesh absorb LDC graduation-induced tariff hikes? Evidence using product-specific price elasticities of demand and markups for apparel exports to Europe Mohammad A. Razzaque, Deen Islam, Jillur Rahman Policy brief Understanding fresh produce supply chain dynamics and price wedges Sher Afghan Asad, Omar Hayat Gondal, Farah Said Working paper Supply chain disruptions and sourcing strategies Julia Cajal Grossi, David Del Prete, Rocco Macchiavello Policy brief Managing solid waste for a sustainable Accra Martin Oteng-Ababio Policy brief