Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay

  • Professor
  • Indian Statistical Institute



Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay’s primary specialisation is in Micro-Econometric methods applied to topics relating to Health, Education and Labour in developing countries (especially India). These involve estimation using cross-sectional (NSSO, NFHS) and longitudinal data (YLS, LSMS). Recent topics of research include economic effects of HIV-AIDS and Cancer (Health), the impact of better school infrastructure on rural schooling attendance (Education) and changes in Intra-Household allocation of labour due to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Labour). He is also interested in empirical tests of multi-dimensional welfare (with applications to Urban Poverty).

Abhiroop teaches Econometrics and Empirical Industrial Organisation at the Masters and Ph.D. level.