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Andrea Sissa Velandia

  • Policy and Research Officer, Tax for Growth
  • International Growth Centre


IGC Staff

Andrea Sissa Velandia is a Policy and Research Officer for the Tax for Growth Initiative at the International Growth Centre (IGC), based at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The initiative aims to support tax administrators and policymakers in generating effective approaches that are actionable, accessible, and context-driven to make taxation work for development.

Andrea holds a MSc in International Social and Public Policy from the London School of Economics and a BSc in Economics from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. Prior to her role at the IGC, she was a governance consultant at The World Bank in Latin America, Washington D.C. and Africa. Her work focused on applied research on public financial management, tax policy and tax administration, result-based budgeting and most recently, climate finance.