Towards 2025: why national competitiveness matters
The aim of this REPOA workshop supported by the IGC is to provoke and promote policy dialogue and research on the importance of competitiveness in the transformation of the Tanzanian economy. The event arrives at an important stage in the country’s development, halfway through the implementation of the Long-Term Perspective Plan (LTPP), 2011/2012-2025/2026. This provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress of the LTPP, and shape the design of the 2021/22-2025/26 third five-year development plan.
Key questions to be explored include:
- How has the Tanzanian’s economy transformed over the past two decades?
- How can Tanzania leverage its comparative advantage in natural resources and labour (by demographic spread) to enhance the competitiveness of its economy?
REPOA is a leading Tanzanian Think Tank and IGC partner, formed in 1994, with the mandate to contribute to alleviation of poverty in its multiple dimensions through research and capacity building. Over time, REPOA’s mandate has expanded beyond alleviating poverty to encompass growth and socio-economic transformation for poverty reduction. Each year REPOA organises a large research conference which brings together local and international researchers, senior policy makers, politicians, and other stakeholders.
To find out more about the event, please contact Joshua Chipman at [email protected].