Workshop: IGC Trade Group 2011
The IGC Trade Programme held its second meeting on April 15-16, 2011, at Penn State University. The aims were to; promote interaction among the members of the programme; motivate members to stay engaged with IGC and submit research proposals on trade and development for funding; provide feedback to on-going projects, and; give members a chance to see and discuss cutting-edge research at the intersection of trade and development.
There were presentations by David Atkin (Yale University), Dave Donaldson (MIT), Jim Rauch (UC San Diego), Dilip Mookherjee (BU), David Lagakos (Arizona State University), Michael Waugh (New York University), Amit K. Khandelwal (Columbia University) and Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia University). The keynote speeches were delivered by Andres Rodriguez-Clare (Penn State University) and Jim Tybout (Penn State University).