Charity Troyer Moore
Charity Troyer Moore India Lead at Harvard Kennedy School's Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) and is currently Senior Research and Policy Manager for IFMR Research.
Charity is also Country Manager for the DFID-funded Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) program, which aims to encourage policymakers' use of rigorous empirical evidence in key decisions. Charity's research examines ways to use technology to improve delivery of social welfare programs and improve governance; land rights; and intrahousehold bargaining.
She holds an M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics from The Ohio State University. Prior to her current position,Charity completed projects for The World Bank and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) where she investigated cash transfer programs in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and provided technical assistance for Nigerian education sector reform.