Jung Hyuk Lee Researcher Roles Researchers Projects Recovery from the COVID-19 shock and the informal labour market in urban Uganda Vittorio Bassi, Tommaso Porzio, Ritwika Sen, Esau Tugume, Jung Hyuk Lee, Alessandra Peter 31 Mar 2022 Project All contributions Self-employment within the firm Vittorio Bassi, Jung Hyuk Lee, Alessandra Peter, Tommaso Porzio, Ritwika Sen, Esau Tugume Working paper Recovery from the COVID-19 shock and the informal labour market in urban Uganda Vittorio Bassi, Jung Hyuk Lee, Alessandra Peter, Tommaso Porzio, Ritwika Sen, Esau Tugume Policy brief Recovery from the COVID-19 shock and the informal labour market in urban Uganda Vittorio Bassi, Jung Hyuk Lee, Alessandra Peter, Tommaso Porzio, Ritwika Sen, Esau Tugume Project report Share Share