Shreya Sarawgi

  • Fellow
  • Institute for Human Development



  • D.Phil (Ph.D) in Political Sociology, University of Oxford
  • M.Sc in Sociology, University of Oxford
  • M.Sc in Economics for Development, University of Oxford
  • B.A. Economics (Hons.), Lady Shri Ram College, D.U.

Shreya Sarawgi joined IHD as a Fellow in 2012. She completed her doctoral thesis on Caste, Social Cleavages, Place and Leaders in Indian elections (1967-2004) in 2012. Her research interests are in electoral politics, political participation, economic voting, urbanization and urban violence, governance, institutions, policy evaluation and quantitative methods. She is an Associate Editor of the Indian Journal of Human Development. She is currently involved in an IDRC funded project on ‘Dynamics of poverty, inequality and violence- towards inclusive planning and policies in Indian cities’.