Unlocking Zambia’s potential for regional agri-food exports in resilient value chains through tackling uncompetitive cross-border markets
Though Zambia has been able to sustain production and export agricultural produce through droughts in East and Southern Africa, its agricultural sector remains far below its potential. This project will therefore analyse regional markets and competitive dynamics, the harm to producer responses from poor prices, and the gains to Zambia from effective regional policies.
East and Southern Africa has persistent agricultural trade deficits and is subject to extreme weather shocks such as the 2021/2022 droughts in Kenya, and the Horn of Africa, and the 2015/16 drought in Southern Africa. During both droughts, Zambia sustained production and exported agricultural produce. However, agriculture in Zambia is still below its potential. It is projected that over time, the East and Southern Africa regions will have more frequent and deeper shocks and it will therefore be even more important that Zambia sustainably expands agricultural production and exports for the region's adaptation to climate change.
The project directly addresses competition and trade policy. Findings and recommendations will seek to contribute to improved decision-making by policymakers and ultimately contribute to sustainable agricultural development in Zambia.