Simon Roberts is Visiting Professor of Economics at the University of Johannesburg and Director of the Centre for Competition Economics, as well as Visiting Associate Professor at Wits University. Simon was Chief Economist and Manager of the Policy & Research Division at the Competition Commission South Africa from November 2006 to December 2012. Prior to this appointment he was Associate Professor in economics at the University of the Witwatersrand. At Wits he also directed the Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development research programme, and previously held positions as lecturer and senior lecturer. This followed positions as: Lecturer in Development Economics, University of East Anglia, UK; Senior Research Officer, Bank of Botswana; and, Lecturer in Economics, University College Cork, Ireland. He holds a PhD from University of London (Birkbeck College), MA from University of East Anglia, and BA (Hons) from Oxford University.
He has undertaken research on a wide range of areas including competition policy, industrial policy, economic development, and international trade. This includes research and advisory work with, and for, many organizations in South Africa including the DTI, Competition Commission, IDC, Presidency, Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, Ekurhuleni Metro, and provinces of the Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga. This research has focused on questions of economic policy and economic development, and has complemented the building of capacity in applied economic research at Wits and other institutions.
He has published in a range of academic journals including the Journal of Competition Law and Economics, World Competition, Journal of African Economies, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of International Development, South African Journal of Economics, Telecommunications Policy, and Transformation.