Transforming Rwanda: Industrial policy for the next decade
The IGC, World Bank and Government of Rwanda are jointly organising a conference on industrial policy. This event aims to discuss how Rwanda can best use industrial policy to help realise its medium-term strategies, such as the National Strategy for Transformation and Vision 2050. The conference builds on a recent body of research conducted by the IGC and the World Bank, including the report “Rwanda: Future Drivers of Growth”.
The first part of the conference focuses on the broad principles of industrial policy, while the rest concentrates on the best use of different instruments for Rwanda (incl. tax incentives, the Common External Tariff, technology and credit policies). The event convenes senior government representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Industry & Trade, Foreign Affairs and the Rwanda Development Board.
You can register your interest to attend the conference here. For more information about the conference, please contact Anna Twum at [email protected].