Richard Newfarmer was most recently the World Bank's Special Representative to the United Nations and World Trade Organization, based in Geneva, Switzerland where he worked with country delegations and Geneva-based international organizations on issues of trade (WTO, UNCTAD and ITC), labour (the ILO), climate change (the WMO and WFP), and health (WHO, Global Fund, UNAIDs). Most recently, he has focused on aid for trade. He has also lectured at the World Trade Institute, University of St. Gallen, and the Graduate Institute, among others. Previously, he was Economic Advisor in the International Trade Department and in the Prospects Group of the World Bank, and worked extensively on trade, investment and globalization issues. He co-edited "Breaking into New Markets: Emerging Lessons for Export Diversification", in May 2009. Earlier, he edited "Trade, Doha and Development: A Window into the Issues". He led the teams that produced "Global Economic Prospects 2007: Managing the Next Wave of Globalization" and was the lead author of four previous "Global Economic Prospects" reports -- on regional trade, the WTO negotiations, and investment and competition policy. Besides authoring numerous country studies at the World Bank on macroeconomic and public finance issues, Mr. Newfarmer has written on foreign direct investment, with publications in the Journal of World Trade, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Journal of Development Economics and Foreign Policy, among others. Mr. Newfarmer holds a PhD and two MAs from the University of Wisconsin, and BA from the University of California at Santa Cruz.